Research proves financial advice can boost your wealth*

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*Estimated increase is based on a £10,000 investment, graph is for illustrative purposes, the value of your investments could go up or down. The value of financial advice is based on data provided by Vanguard.
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*Estimated increase is based on a £10,000 investment, graph is for illustrative purposes, the value of your investments could go up or down. The value of financial advice is based on data provided by Vanguard.

We help people like you every day

You could be better off when you get financial advice

An independent study by Vanguard proves that clients working with a financial adviser earned more than those without an adviser.
With financial advice
Without financial advice

The difference financial advice makes

Here are the key areas clients working with a financial adviser find value in.  A single intervention from an adviser in any of these areas can more than cover years of adviser fees.
Asset allocation

Asset allocation is the assets or markets you invest in, and you may be struggling to figure out how to build your portfolio, including stocks, bonds, cash and commodities.

Asset allocation is one of the most important investment decisions you’ll make. It’s instrumental to your investment success and the main driver of long-term performance.

If you invest too cautiously, then you might not get the returns you desire. If you invest too aggressively, then you might be taking on more risk than you’re comfortable with.

A financial adviser can help you to create an investment portfolio with an asset allocation tailored to your risk tolerance and goals.

Portfolio rebalancing

Assets such as stocks and bonds perform differently. For example, one year stocks can go up and bonds can go down.

As a result, your asset allocation might change over time. To maintain your asset allocation, you must regularly rebalance your portfolio.

Regular rebalancing keeps your portfolio aligned with your risk tolerance and goals. It ensures you maintain the right balance of investments as defined by your needs.

Financial advisers can review your portfolio objectively and help you to rebalance as required to keep you focused on your long-term goals.

Cost management

A small amount invested early can grow into a significant sum. This is the power of compound interest.

Well, this same power applies to costs, except it can work against you. Every fraction of a percent you unnecessarily pay in fees can eat into your future returns.

Fund and platform costs can vary widely. And when these costs compound over time, they can have a significant negative impact on your returns.

Financial advisers can help you to reduce your charges by selecting platforms and funds with an optimal fee structure, thus ensuring you keep more of your returns.

Behaviour coaching

As humans, we like to think of ourselves as rational. But ultimately, we are emotional creatures.

Few things provoke as much emotion as when the value of your investments go up or down. It’s these emotions that lead us to make irrational decisions that are often costly, both in the short and long term.

Often, we sell when we should buy, and we buy when we should sell. But the right decision is almost always to stay the course and stick with your plan.

Financial advisers can provide you with rational, objective advice, ensuring you stay the course and reap the long-term benefits you desire.

Tax efficiency

You know you want to legally minimise the amount of tax you need to pay. Fortunately, the UK offers a number of tax-efficient investment vehicles, which enables you to grow your investments free from capital gains tax.

But should you be investing in an Individual Savings Account (ISA) or a self-invested personal pension (SIPP).

Selecting the right tax-efficient vehicle for your investments can be just as important as any other decision you make.

Financial advisers can help you to work out which investment vehicle is best for you based on your situation by taking into account your current tax rate and tax implications when you need to withdraw money.

Withdrawal strategy

Eventually, you’re going to want to withdraw money from your nest egg. For example, to support you during your retirement.

But which account should you withdraw from first? Which investments should you sell and which ones should you keep?

As you know, it’s important to withdraw your money in a tax-efficient way. It can save you thousands of pounds every year and make a significant difference to your investments.

Financial advisers can help you to craft a withdrawal strategy to ensure your withdrawals and spending are as tax-efficient as possible, while maintaining the right balance of investments to support your future needs.

The non-financial benefits

As you know, a financial adviser can add real and quantifiable financial value to your life. But clients also receive several important, non-financial benefits.
Confidence. When you get financial advice, you feel more confident and in control about your financial future. You are better prepared than those who don’t receive financial advice.
Less anxiety. You have sat down and set goals, guided by a qualified and trusted expert. Now that you have a clear plan, you feel less anxiety about your long-term goals.
Financial literacy. As you talk with a financial adviser, you improve your financial literacy and capability. You better understand the relationship between risk and reward, and how to balance it for your needs.
Peace of mind. You've taken action and now you can be confident you've safeguarded your financial future.
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