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Connecting Humboldt Financial with a younger, tech-savvy audience

Unbiased has helped Humboldt Financial scale with a stream of likeminded potential clients that appreciate its new approach to delivering financial advice.

Published 30 March 2022

• Founded in 2015
• A growing team of eight advisers and client managers
• Offering a holistic blend of tech-based financial planning

Offering bespoke financial advice to a new audience
Francis Gill set up Humboldt Financial to offer a fresh approach to financial planning to clients young and old. Many of his previous clients were young and had very little understanding of financial planning or its importance.

In June 2020, a client informed Humboldt about Unbiased. Francis was drawn in by the similar, tech-led culture and he wanted to connect his younger advisers with a tech-savvy audience they inherently understood.

“There’s a lot of new wealth out there, and more DIY investors who might not fully understand the risks. Plus, this new style of investor has to contend with risks like crypto scams. Without advisers who can guide people in the right direction, there’s potential to fuel further mistrust of the financial services world.”
Financial planning delivered with a smile
Francis and the Humboldt team pride themselves on being open, knowledgeable and genuinely nice.
“With the older generation of financial planners, there can be a degree of gatekeeping,” Francis explains. “Some advisers like to keep information to themselves and make matters more complicated than they are or need to be. But there’s a new school of advisers, which I’d count myself as part of, who are transparent and come armed with lots of new information for their clients.”
John Grimbaldeston is TPO's Marketing Director
Francis Gill and Oliver Canning
Catering to a younger audience
Up to 40% of Humboldt’s enquiries now come from Unbiased. Each arrives with detailed insight into the potential client’s needs, allowing the team to quickly screen enquiries and be selective about who they work with. Even though not every enquiry leads to a new client, we’re helping Humboldt build a stable and scalable client base.

“Unbiased helps us plan for the future by giving us a stable stream of potential clients and the ability to scale up as needed.”
Doing business digitally
Humboldt works with most of its clients through digital platforms, with 98% of its meetings taking place online. Remote business is not without its challenges, however. Francis explained that, even when forging a new way of doing business, the principles of great relationships should never be compromised.

“Don’t forget the core aspects that old school advice was built on – that idea of building a strong relationship and developing a really strong understanding of your clients’ background and goals.”
The importance of reliable advice
More DIY investment platforms popping up with each passing year, and huge swathes of information on financial matters are now at our fingertips. As such, some people are not sure if they still need to speak to an IFA. If you’re on the fence, Francis believes there’s nothing to lose from a simple conversation.

“An IFA has lots of specialist knowledge and, in my experience, they’ll be honest if there’s nothing they can help you with or add value to. But when you’re working with someone who has an in-depth understanding of where you are and where you’d like to be, they can add exponential value to your current and future financial situation.”
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